(602) 821-2212

2024 SHRM Missouri State Conference

2024 SHRM Missouri State Conference

August 7, 2024    
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Future of Work: How to Attract, Retain, and Engage Gen Z, Remote, and Hybrid Employees: Gen Z’s #1 request of their employers (according to Gallup & McKinsey polling) is…more meetings! What? Hear a robust overview of Gen Z employment trends, the common themes from employers successfully maintaining hybrid and remote work, and best practices on the development and engagement of this multi-faceted 2024 workforce at the SHRM Missouri State Conference!

2024 Arizona SHRM Annual State Conference

2024 Arizona SHRM Annual State Conference

August 28, 2024    
10:40 am - 11:40 am

How the Next Generation of Workers Is Drastically Shaping Your Workplace: With 18 million Gen Z’ers already in the US workforce, their impact on benefits, work structure, compensation, and management practices is already being felt…and there are more changes coming. Hear the latest data and emerging best practices related to the shifting expectations of remote work and engagement, changes in expectations regarding compensation and benefits, the evolving influence of mission, vision, and values for these workers wanting to be inspired, and what managing this generation looks like: engaging, developing, and coaching a generation that has a different take on the role of work in their lives.

2024 Arizona SHRM Annual State Conference

2024 Arizona SHRM Annual State Conference

August 28, 2024    
1:50 pm - 2:50 pm

A 2024 Practical Boot Camp for Recruiting & Employing Veterans: Gather best practices for veteran recruitment, selection, and development with this practical guide to veteran employment that addresses key roadblocks HR professionals encounter as they try to communicate with, assess, retain, and develop veteran candidates and employees. Hear the differences between team sizes, rankings, and responsibilities in various branches of the military, interview behaviors you might see that are taught to veterans and not necessarily indicative of their personality, best practices for coaching and developing veteran talent vs. non-veteran talent, and more.

The WICT Network: Southwest Executive Luncheon

The WICT Network: Southwest Executive Luncheon

September 25, 2024    
12:10 pm - 1:10 pm

Embracing Change in a Hybrid Work Environment

Hybrid and remote work schedules are becoming increasingly more popular–but what’s the secret sauce to making hybrid work actually work? Hear the latest best practices for managing your hybrid/remote employees in a panel discussion with Eric Knott at the SW Women in Cable and Technology Network’s annual executive luncheon!